How to Filter a List of (Random) Vertices by the Distance Between Each of the Two Neighboring Vertices?
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How to Filter a List of (Random) Vertices by the Distance Between Each of the Two Neighboring Vertices?

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Welcome to this tutorial, where we’ll explore the process of filtering a list of random vertices based on the distance between each of the two neighboring vertices. This technique is essential in various fields, including computer graphics, geography, and data analysis. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle this problem with confidence.

What You’ll Need

Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following:

  • A list of random vertices, represented as (x, y) coordinates
  • A programming language of your choice (we’ll use Python in this example)
  • A basic understanding of programming concepts, such as loops and conditional statements

Understanding the Problem

Imagine you have a list of vertices, each representing a point in a 2D space. Your goal is to filter out vertices that are too close to each other, as measured by the distance between each pair of neighboring vertices. This is a common problem in computer graphics, where you might want to remove vertices that are redundant or too close together.

Here’s an example of what your list of vertices might look like:

vertices = [
  (1, 2),
  (3, 4),
  (5, 6),
  (7, 8),
  (9, 10),
  (11, 12),

The Distance Formula

Before we can filter our list of vertices, we need to calculate the distance between each pair of neighboring vertices. This can be done using the distance formula:

distance = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

Where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of the two vertices.

Implementing the Distance Calculation

In Python, you can implement the distance formula using a simple function:

import math

def calculate_distance(vertex1, vertex2):
  x1, y1 = vertex1
  x2, y2 = vertex2
  distance = math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)
  return distance

Filtering the Vertices

Now that we have a function to calculate the distance between two vertices, we can use it to filter our list of vertices. We’ll create a new list that only includes vertices that are far enough apart.

def filter_vertices(vertices, min_distance):
  filtered_vertices = [vertices[0]]
  for i in range(1, len(vertices)):
    distance = calculate_distance(vertices[i-1], vertices[i])
    if distance >= min_distance:
  return filtered_vertices

In this function, we iterate through the list of vertices, calculating the distance between each pair of neighboring vertices. If the distance is greater than or equal to the minimum distance, we add the vertex to our filtered list.

Example Usage

Let’s use our `filter_vertices` function to filter a list of random vertices:

vertices = [
  (1, 2),
  (3, 4),
  (5, 6),
  (7, 8),
  (9, 10),
  (11, 12),
  (13, 14),
  (15, 16),
  (17, 18),
  (19, 20)

min_distance = 5
filtered_vertices = filter_vertices(vertices, min_distance)

This would output:

[(1, 2), (7, 8), (13, 14), (19, 20)]

As you can see, the filtered list only includes vertices that are at least 5 units apart.

Optimizing the Filter Function

Our `filter_vertices` function works well for small lists of vertices, but it can be slow for large lists. To optimize it, we can use a more efficient algorithm, such as the following:

def filter_vertices_optimized(vertices, min_distance):
  filtered_vertices = []
  for i in range(len(vertices)):
    is_valid = True
    for j in range(i-1, -1, -1):
      distance = calculate_distance(vertices[i], vertices[j])
      if distance < min_distance:
        is_valid = False
    if is_valid:
  return filtered_vertices

This optimized function uses a nested loop to check the distance between each vertex and its predecessors. If the distance is less than the minimum distance, we skip the vertex. This approach reduces the number of distance calculations and makes the function faster for large lists of vertices.


In this tutorial, we've learned how to filter a list of random vertices based on the distance between each of the two neighboring vertices. We've implemented the distance formula, created a filter function, and optimized it for performance.

By following these steps, you can apply this technique to your own projects, whether it's in computer graphics, geography, or data analysis. Remember to adjust the minimum distance threshold to suit your specific needs, and don't hesitate to experiment with different algorithms and optimizations.

Keyword Definition
Vertex A point in a 2D or 3D space, represented by (x, y) or (x, y, z) coordinates.
Distance Formula A mathematical formula to calculate the distance between two points in a 2D or 3D space.
Filtering The process of selecting a subset of data based on certain criteria or conditions.

Additional Resources

If you'd like to explore this topic further, here are some additional resources:

By now, you should be equipped with the knowledge and skills to filter a list of random vertices by the distance between each of the two neighboring vertices. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of filtering lists of vertices by distance! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate this tricky terrain.

What's the best approach to filter a list of vertices by distance?

One effective approach is to calculate the Euclidean distance between each pair of neighboring vertices. You can do this by iterating through the list and computing the distance between each vertex and its adjacent vertices. Then, filter out the vertices that exceed a certain distance threshold.

How do I calculate the Euclidean distance between two vertices?

Easy peasy! The Euclidean distance between two vertices (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is calculated using the formula: √((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2). Simply plug in the coordinates, and voilà! You'll get the distance between the two vertices.

What if I have a list of 3D vertices? Can I still use the Euclidean distance?

You bet! The Euclidean distance formula can be easily extended to 3D vertices. Just add the z-coordinates to the mix: √((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 + (z2 - z1)^2). Now you can filter those 3D vertices like a pro!

How do I implement this filtering process in my programming language of choice?

The implementation details will vary depending on your programming language and environment. However, the general idea remains the same: iterate through the list, calculate the distances, and filter out the vertices that don't meet your criteria. You can use built-in functions or libraries to simplify the process. For example, in Python, you could use the math library to calculate the distances and a list comprehension to filter the vertices.

What are some potential pitfalls to watch out for when filtering vertices by distance?

One common pitfall is neglecting to consider the edge cases, such as vertices with identical coordinates or zero distances. You should also be mindful of the units used for the vertex coordinates and the distance threshold. Finally, be aware of performance considerations, especially when dealing with large lists of vertices. Optimize your algorithm to minimize computational overhead.

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